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Overview Suntan, melanoma and vitamin D

Consensus on the following:

  • UV radiation at the ground consists mainly of UVA, some UVB, and a tiny amount of UVC
  • Sun, sunbeds/tanning beds/some sun bulbs contain both UVA and UVB radiation
  • UVA (315 -400 nm) radiation induces pigment tanning within seconds of UVA and light exposure
    • UVA tanning fades within 2 hours and does not increase melanin in skin
  • UVB (280-315 nm) radiation
    • induces vitamin D synthesis
    • delayed tanning (increases melanin in skin after several days)
    • is mainly responsible for sunburn (erythema), photoaging, photoimmunosuppression
  • Windows (glass) block UVB radiation
  • Modern sunscreens block UVB and UVA, but some of them block UVA poorly or are photo-unstable in this region
  • There has been an increase in melanoma incidence in recent years
  • Tanning beds produce higher levels of UVA radiation than the sun - even at the equator
  • UVB radiation, but not UVA radiation, induces melanoma in genetically modified animals
    • The newest epidemiological evidence suggest that UVA as well as UVB is associated with human melanoma
  • Epidemiological studies published over the last years demonstrated the association between sunbed use and melanoma.
  • Many countries restrict the amount of UVB (vitamin D) from tanning beds (due to mouse study)
  • UVB decreases faster than UVA when far from equator or winter season


Sunburn (Erythema), cataracts, and development of skin cancer are related mostly to UVB radiation.
Ban all people under age 18 from using tanning beds
Increase alcohol consumption is strongly associated with increased melanoma (see bottom of page)

Note: After skin cancer diagnosis, internal cancer rates often increase due to sun phobia

See also VitaminDWiki


Death from melanoma (without ulcers) greatly decreased if have lots of vitamin D receptors – May 2014 has the following chart

See also VitaminDWiki UVA and Melanoma

30+ UV pages have MELANOMA or CANCER in the itle

This list is automatically updated

Items found: 32
Title Modified
23 Cancers in the US are associated with low UVB - Grant April 2024 17 May, 2024
Vitamin D from the sun reduces the risk of internal cancers, but increases some skin cancers – Nov 2021 05 Feb, 2023
Gastric Cancer, Vitamin D, VDR, UV - many studies 10 Nov, 2022
Most sunscreens actually increase the growth of skin cancer - May 2010 26 Apr, 2021
Some cancer rates are reduced when live at high altitude, but other cancers increase after a few generations – March 2021 27 Mar, 2021
Book: Sunlight, UV, Vitamin D and Receptor, Skin and other Cancers - Dec 2020 09 Dec, 2020
Breast Cancer risk reduced 17 percent by 1 hour of daily summer sun – meta-analysis Jan 2020 07 Jan, 2020
Brain cancer in 175 countries related to low UVB and low vitamin D – Oct 2010 03 Oct, 2018
UVB improvements to Vitamin D receptor appear to improve melanoma survival – Oct 2017 09 Oct, 2017
UVA causes skin cancer, perhaps UVB (Vitamin D) prevents skin cancer – Jan 2017 27 Jan, 2017
Skin cancer (in mice) due to UV was prevented by vitamin D (active, topical) – June 2016 07 Jan, 2017
Getting little UV is associated with 15 types of Cancer – Jan 2012 26 Aug, 2016
A review of the evidence regarding the solar ultraviolet-B-vitamin D-cancer hypothesis - Oct 2012 08 Jan, 2016
Fewer heart attacks, hip fractures and deaths if more skin cancer – Sept 2013 09 Nov, 2014
Many other anti-cancer photoproducts generated on the skin in addition to vitamin D – Jan 2014 19 Aug, 2014
Less intestinal cancer in mice if add vitamin D, but even less with ultraviolet light – June 2014 05 Jun, 2014
Cancer incidence in 87 countries is related to food, smoking, alcohol, GDP, and UVB - Jan 2014 08 Jan, 2014
Too much UVB: skin cancer, too little UVB: other cancers due to low vitamin D – April 2012 18 Nov, 2013
4 uses of tanning beds per year did not reduce rate of internal cancers – Oct 2013 16 Oct, 2013
Solar UVB reduces Cancer Risk – Grant, Jan 2013 02 Oct, 2013
Eye cancer and UV – Review of controversy – Sept 2013 09 Sep, 2013
Less UV: 2X more breast cancer – June 2011 08 Jul, 2013
More UVB is associated with less cancer – study of 450,000 people – April 2012 13 Apr, 2013
Some childhood cancer 30% less likely in parts of California with more UVB – April 2013 13 Apr, 2013
Texas company claimed tanning beds prevent cancer – had to pay 142,000 dollar fine – March 2013 13 Mar, 2013
China has documented that less UV results in more cancer – June 2010 07 Jan, 2013
The sun appears better at reducing incidence of some cancers than vitamin D – Dec 2012 17 Dec, 2012
Vitamin D protects mouse from skin cancer – Sept 2012 29 Nov, 2012
UVB and vitamin D inversely associated with pancreatic cancer April 2010 31 Oct, 2012
Lack of solar UVB in US is associated with some Cancers - 2006 28 Dec, 2011
Some cancer due to low UV – Grant – April 2010 13 Oct, 2011
Study Suggests Indoor Tanning Boosts Chances of Melanoma 27 May, 2010

42+ pages have MELANOMA in the title

This list is automatically updated

Items found: 46
Title Modified
Melanoma risk reduced by Vitamin D and other nutrients - 2023 27 Jun, 2024
Melanoma death risk 0.63 X lower if poor Vitamin D Binding Gene – July 2023 26 Aug, 2023
Metastatic Melanoma survived 2X longer if adequate level of Vitamin D – July 2023 03 Aug, 2023
Melanoma is 1.4X more-likely if low Vitamin D – meta-analysis May 2023 18 May, 2023
Melanoma might be suppressed by Vitamin D - many studies 25 Nov, 2022
Melanoma Cancer detected more often (perhaps due to infrequent intense UVA) – Oct 2022 07 Oct, 2022
Overview Suntan, melanoma and vitamin D 28 Nov, 2021
Melanoma not treated by small doses of vitamin D (100,000 IU every 50 days) – RCT June 2021 30 Jun, 2021
Melanoma huge increase - perhaps due to use of sunscreen or lower vitamin D - Aug 2014 26 Apr, 2021
Melanoma associated with vitamin D less than 30 ng (9X) – March 2021 13 Mar, 2021
Recurrence of malignant melanoma may be reduced by 100,000 IU of vitamin D monthly – trial underway 2017 13 Mar, 2021
Melanoma 25 X more likely if low vitamin D – Feb 2018 13 Mar, 2021
Sunlight on skin has decreased 9X while melanoma has increased 30X – Feb 2020 20 Feb, 2020
Melanoma 2.1 X more likely if low vitamin D – meta-analysis Jan 2020 11 Jan, 2020
Melanoma cancer growth slowed by increased Vitamin D Receptor (yet again) – Oct 2019 06 Nov, 2019
Melanoma Is a Disease of Office Workers - Dec 2018 12 Dec, 2018
Better Cancer survival if higher vitamin D a decade earlier (esp. Melanoma, Kidney, Prostate)– Aug 2018 20 Nov, 2018
UVB improvements to Vitamin D receptor appear to improve melanoma survival – Oct 2017 09 Oct, 2017
Non-melanoma skin cancer varies with latitude, melanoma does not – April 2017 23 May, 2017
Malignant melanoma may be reduced by skin-activated vitamin D – Nov 2016 27 Jan, 2017
People with metastatic melanoma and initially Vitamin D deficient had 4.7 times worse outcome if not get enough D – Dec 2016 31 Dec, 2016
Vitamin D being considered for Melanoma – active vitamin D is produced by skin – Nov 2016 01 Dec, 2016
Melanoma survival doubled with Vitamin D binding protein polymorphism – Nov 2015 18 Nov, 2015
Will vitamin D loading dose and 50,000 IU monthly will help after melanoma surgery – Oct 2014 24 Oct, 2014
Melanoma REDUCED by those getting the most UV, unless 5 blistering sunburns while in teen years – June 2014 05 Jun, 2014
Death from melanoma (without ulcers) greatly decreased if have lots of vitamin D receptors – May 2014 28 May, 2014
Melanoma and Vitamin D genes - multiple papers 22 Mar, 2014
Subsequent melanomas associated with BsmI gene variation of VDR– May 2011 22 Mar, 2014
Melanoma risk 2X to 4X higher if Vitamin D receptor genes had morphed – March 2014 19 Mar, 2014
Decreased risk of non-melanoma skin cancer by working outdoors in Europe – April 2013 22 Dec, 2013
UV and Melanoma: are they related – 2013 19 Dec, 2013
The Protective Role of Vitamin D Signaling in Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer - Nov 2013 14 Dec, 2013
Melanoma is 44 percent LESS LIKELY if get sun on the job – Nov 2013 01 Dec, 2013
Melanoma not as thick if recently had a sunny vacation – Nov 2013 14 Nov, 2013
UVA most likely causes melanoma to progress– Sept 2011 10 Nov, 2013
Prostate Cancer increased melanoma rate by 2X (vitamin D not mentioned) Nov 2013 09 Nov, 2013
Melanoma and Vitamin D - association is not certain - 2012 14 Jul, 2013
Melanoma reduces by half the amount of vitamin D activated by the skin – March 2013 17 Apr, 2013
Melanoma less likely when far from equator – Oct 2012 07 Dec, 2012
Red-haired mice can get melanoma without UV - Oct 2012 29 Nov, 2012
Hypothesis – worldwide increase in Melanoma due to UVA – Oct 2011 17 Oct, 2012
Sun exposure is associated with increased survival from melanoma – 2005 07 Oct, 2012
No association found between melanoma and low vitamin D levels – Sept 2012 12 Sep, 2012
UVB, Smoking and second cancers after melanoma – Jan 2012 06 Mar, 2012
Perhaps 28-40 ng of vitamin D would be good for Melanoma patients – Feb 2011 06 Mar, 2011
Study Suggests Indoor Tanning Boosts Chances of Melanoma 27 May, 2010

See also web


Dermatologists still do not distinguish between types of UVA and UVB nor the amount of UVB needed for Vitamin D before burning

Avoidance - The Most Critical Components of Photoprotection in Patients With Melanoma]
doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000002794 Sept 2020
BACKGROUND: Ultraviolet radiation is the main modifiable risk factor for melanoma which can be reduced by avoiding excess sun exposure.

OBJECTIVE : We sought to explore (1) sun protective practices, (2) effectiveness of these sun protective practices, and (3) vitamin D supplementation in patients with melanoma.

METHODS: Using the National Health Interview Survey, the authors conducted a cross-sectional analysis to investigate sun protective behaviors and sunburns among adults with melanoma compared with those without skin cancer. We calculated adjusted odds ratio (aOR), 95% confidence interval (95% CI), and p-values using logistic regression.

RESULTS: Patients with melanoma reported increased use of sun avoidance, shade, sunscreen, long sleeves, and hats, but had similar sunburn rates compared with those without skin cancer. Only sun avoidance and long sleeves were associated with decreased odds of sunburn. Patients with melanoma also reported decreased vitamin D supplementation.

CONCLUSION: Although it is reassuring that patients with melanoma practice sun protective behaviors, this does not always translate into reduced sunburns. Physicians should emphasize the importance of photoprotection, especially sun avoidance and sun protective clothing, to reduce future melanoma risk.

Clipped from SkinCheck org Where does Melanoma occur

  • Anywhere, including places never exposed to the sun.
  • In Caucasian males, the most common location is the trunk (especially the back).
  • In Caucasian females, the most common locations are the legs (especially the back of lower legs) and trunk.
  • Among Asians, Hispanics, and African-Americans, the most common locations are the feet and hands.
    • Skin is lighter (less melatonin), so more UVB can damage the feet and hands

From: Vitamin D from Sunbeds



From: Sunbed survey in Ireland


From: UV creates Vitamin D



GrassrootsHealth Melanoma & sunscreen associated in 7 studies (PDF and video)

from PDF and video available at http://www.grassrootshealth.net/

Melanoma and suncreens Time line -2010

Chart from http://www.detertec.com/sun_radiometry.html

Red = sunlight (probably on ground); other lines = amount of light filtered thru different sunscreens

Germany also considers that adding vitamin D might reduce melanoma

Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D serum levels in a large German cohort of melanoma patients.
Br J Dermatol. 2012 Aug 9. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2133.2012.11212.x.
Gambichler T, Bindsteiner M, Höxtermann S, Kreuter A.
Department of Dermatology, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany.

Background:? Observational studies have suggested that 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) is associated with better outcomes in patients with malignant melanoma (MM).

Objectives:? To study the relationship between serum 25OHD levels and clinical parameters in a large German cohort of MM patients.

Methods:? We prospectively investigated the 25OHD serum levels of 764 MM patients using the direct competitive chemiluminescence LIAISON® immunoassay.
MM patients taking 25OHD supplements were not included.

Results:? Median serum 25OHD baseline levels were 12.3 ng/ml (lower quartile: 7.3 ng/ml, upper quartile: 20.2 ng/ml). 564 (764/73.8%) patients had 25OHD deficiency (25OHD < 20 ng/ml), 188 (764/18.8%) had 25OHD insufficiency (25OHD ? 20 < 30 ng/ml), and only 55 (764/7.2%) patients had serum 25OHD levels within the normal range (? 30 ng/ml). Using a multiple regression model, lower 25OHD levels were significantly associated with higher Breslow tumour thickness (class: < 1 mm; ? 1 - 4 mm; > 4 mm: regression coefficient -1.45, P = 0.028) and higher AJCC 2002 melanoma stage (regression coefficient: -0.79, P = 0.036).

Conclusions:? In MM patients, decreased 25OHD serum levels are associated with increased tumour thickness and advanced tumour stage.
Hence, evidence is accumulating that patients with MM might benefit from 25OHD supplements.

Some Chinese are really wanting to get whiter skin or avoid Skin Cancer/Wrinkles

Meet the 'Face-Kini', the latest craze to hit China's beaches as bathers wear masks to beat the sun's harmful raysDailyMail UK Aug 2012 - which have photos like the following
Ski mask on beach in China - 2012.jpg

Sunshine: Dangerous or Healthy? 2009

  • Comment in a NYT interview of Dr. Bernard Ackerman, Demratoligist, who has authored 600 papers
    "the field is just replete with nonsense." For example, Dr. Ackerman does not believe that the link between melanoma and sun exposure (a central dogma of dermatology) has been proven.
    He is deeply tanned and is not afraid to expose his body to the sun. Dr. Ackerman does, however, recommend that folks avoid excessive skin exposure to avoid premature aging of the skin.
    He also does not believe that sunburn, even the kind that causes blistering of the skin, necessarily leads to cancer later in life.
    Basically, according to Dr. Ackerman, "the research is inconsistent and fails to make the case."

Alcohol and Melanoma: More Proof that this Deadly Skin Cancer is not caused by Sunlight

Sunlight Institute, Nov 2013

  • 1993 study: women who drank two or more drinks per day had an increased risk of melanoma of 250%.
  • Oct 2013 study
    (1) 7+ drinks per week had a 64% increased risk of melanoma;
    (2) higher lifetime alcohol consumption was positively correlated to risk of the disease;
    (3) higher current alcohol consumption similarly correlated to a higher risk:
    (4) current alcohol intake also predicted higher risk;
    (5) a preference for white wine or liquor also predicted increased risk.
  • Sunlight Instutiute refutes the claim that melanoma is caused by sunlight

If already have had skin cancer, a form of Vitamin B3 lowers the rate of future ones by 23% - RCT May 2015

AI found >99% of skin cancers - Nov 2023

AI flagged skin cancer with near-perfect accuracy, in UK study MD Edge]

  • "Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States; one in five 5 Americans develop skin cancer by age 70."
  • Study "involved 6,900 patients in the United Kingdom with suspected skin cancer."

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Overview Suntan, melanoma and vitamin D        
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ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
17465 A consideration of possible effects of Vitamin D on established cancer, with reference to malignant melanoma.pdf admin 21 Apr, 2022 1.06 Mb 320
6417 UV sunscren P&G.jpg admin 23 Feb, 2016 42.38 Kb 5269
3566 Skin cancer and pigmentation.pdf admin 23 Jan, 2014 110.92 Kb 2072
485 UVB and UVB vs height of the sun lie on ground - from creates 2009.gif Editor 07 Mar, 2011 10.55 Kb 30070
484 UVB and UVB vs height of the sun - from creates 2009.gif Editor 07 Mar, 2011 14.51 Kb 49175
483 survey of sunbed parlors in Ireland.gif Editor 07 Mar, 2011 35.92 Kb 8520
482 sunbed vs sun spectrum - from UV creates - 2009.gif Editor 07 Mar, 2011 16.08 Kb 8889
481 Spectrum of all sources - from vitamin D from sunbeds.gif Editor 07 Mar, 2011 22.70 Kb 10921